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Today's Family Dental Blog

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What Causes Receding Gums, and How Are They Fixed?

Healthy gums rest comfortably around the crown of your teeth, holding your teeth in place. However, your gum could pull back from a tooth, revealing its root. This leaves your tooth vulnerable to infection and gum disease.

Stopping Sleep Bruxism With a Night Guard

Do you wake up every morning with a sore jaw or a terrible headache? Do you have worn-down or flattened teeth? If so, you may have sleep bruxism. Teeth damage results from the unconscious habit of clenching and grinding teeth while asleep. One of the best ways to stop the damage is wearing a night guard.

How Long Does It Take to Whiten My Teeth?

If you’ve been feeling like your teeth aren’t as sparkly white as they should or could be, you’re not alone. Studies suggest that around 80% of Americans aged between 18 and 49 would like to have whiter, brighter teeth. The main reason for this is that we automatically associate white smiles with people who are healthy, successful, and happy, and it’s tempting to want to be associated with these traits too. Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to improve the color of your smile thanks to teeth whitening – the most popular and in-demand cosmetic service in the world. 

10 Foods That Are Bad for Your Teeth

What you consume can affect the condition of your teeth and your overall oral health. Eating food causes plaque to form, which damages the teeth. After consuming a meal or snack, the sugars in the food cause the bacteria in the mouth to release acids. 

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Bad breath is something that most people must deal with at one point or another. If you love garlic or enjoy your tuna sandwich with lots of onions, you have dealt with bad breath. Bad breath is the result of bacteria in the mouth. While most people know when their breath is not too fresh, some seem blissfully unaware of it. It can be difficult to judge how bad your breath is. Fortunately, there are simple ways to get rid of bad breath.

10 New Year's Resolutions for Good Oral Health

Achieving a good oral health care routine takes a lifetime of building good habits. Even though you may have lovely teeth, you must cultivate good habits. The new year is the perfect time to resolve to start building on these. What are some of these changes you may have to make? Here are 10 New Year resolutions to start you on your journey to good oral health.

Importance of Routine Flossing

Your tooth has five surfaces. When you brush only, you reach only three of these surfaces. Flossing helps you clean these other two surfaces. Many people brush their teeth twice daily, but very few of them floss as often.

Common Dental Emergencies: Causes and Symptoms

Dealing with a dental issue immediately can help you avoid the need for severe and costly treatment in the future. It is important to identify common dental emergencies and to know their causes and symptoms.

Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the most effective way to replace missing teeth. Having a missing tooth or teeth can affect an individual’s oral health and the structure of the mouth. Failing to replace missing teeth can interfere with the ability to chew, and it can change an individual’s smile.

Why Do Dentists Take X-rays?

Dental X-rays are images that a dentist takes to evaluate the patient’s oral health. The X-rays help capture the images of the interior parts of the teeth and gums. The images allow the dentist to identify issues such as tooth decay, cavities, gum problems, and impacted teeth. Dental X-rays are a common tool in dental practice. 

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