Common Dental Emergencies: Causes and Symptoms

Common Dental Emergencies: Causes and Symptoms


Dental emergencies are not only stressful, but they can also be dangerous for oral health. Allowing dental issues to linger can result in permanent damage. Dental problems such as toothaches, chipped or broken teeth, and gum bleeding require immediate treatment. 

Dealing with a dental issue immediately can help you avoid the need for severe and costly treatment in the future. It is important to identify common dental emergencies and to know their causes and symptoms.


Identifying a Dental Emergency


If you have a severe toothache, it is enough reason to visit the dental clinic immediately. The pain can be uncomfortable, and in many cases, taking pain medication is just a temporary solution. An accident or oral injury requires immediate attention. An oral infection should be treated as an emergency. 

Failing to treat the infection can cause it to spread to other parts of the mouth and body. An infection can spread to the neck and head, causing severe health complications. Dental emergency care can help preserve your tooth and avoid further damage. 


Dealing With a Dental Emergency


If you experience a dental problem that requires emergency treatment, you need to take immediate action. If you are bleeding, you can try to stop the bleeding by applying pressure to the site

If you have a toothache, use warm water to rinse your mouth and take a painkiller. Apply a compress on the side of the mouth to reduce swelling. If your tooth is knocked out, pick it up carefully and carry it to the emergency clinic. 


Causes of Dental Emergencies


Several situations can cause dental emergencies. An injury can result in damage to a tooth or teeth. The injury can be due to a fall or impact from an object, biting on a hard substance, or a work-related accident. 

Failing to use protective sporting gear can cause oral injury. Poor oral hygiene can also lead to a dental emergency. Tooth decay or gum disease can cause severe pain, requiring emergency care.  


Symptoms of Dental Emergencies

Several symptoms indicate that you need emergency dental care. If you are in great pain, it is a good sign that you need emergency care. Other symptoms are bleeding, swelling, tooth sensitivity, cracked, broken, or chipped tooth, and a loose tooth. Swollen gums or a painful jaw are usually symptoms of a dental issue. If you experience any symptoms, you need to get emergency dental treatment. 


Preventing Dental Emergencies

There are some things that you can do to prevent emergency dental problems. You can keep your teeth and mouth healthy and free from infections and other issues. Regular dental visits for checkups and cleaning can help prevent dental emergencies. 

Watch what you eat and make sure that you protect your mouth as you sleep by wearing a night guard. If you grind your teeth or clench your jaw as you sleep, it can damage your teeth. Wear protective gear when taking part in contact sports or high-risk activities. Practicing proper oral hygiene is an easy way to ensure that you do not require emergency dental care. 

For more on common dental emergencies, visit Today's Family Dental at our offices in Tampa or Lutz, Florida. You can call (813) 212-8700 today to schedule an appointment.

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