10 Foods That Are Bad for Your Teeth

What you consume can affect the condition of your teeth and your overall oral health. Eating food causes plaque to form, which damages the teeth. After consuming a meal or snack, the sugars in the food cause the bacteria in the mouth to release acids. 


The acids attack the enamel, and when the enamel breaks down, it can lead to cavities. Find out below some of the foods that are bad for your teeth. 


Hard Candy


Hard candy is bad for your teeth because it contains sugars that are released slowly in the mouth. The sugars take a long time to dissolve, all the while setting the stage for cavities. Biting into the candy at the wrong angle can also cause the tooth to crack, chip, or break.


Chewy Candy 


Candy is bad for your mouth, and more so when you choose sour and chewy candy. The sugar and acids stick to the teeth and are difficult to dislodge. They remain on the teeth and continue to harm them.


Dried Fruit

Fruit is a good snack, but you should stick to fresh fruit. Dried fruit contains concentrated sugar, and the fruit loses some of its nutritional value. Most dried fruits are sticky and chewy, making them a lot like chewy candy. 



Bread is bad for your teeth. As you chew the bread, saliva converts the starches into sugar. The resulting paste-like gummy substance sticks between the teeth and on tooth crevices. It can lead to cavities. Always choose whole wheat bread that is less refined.


Potato Chips

Most people enjoy the delicious crunchy snack, but unfortunately, potato chips are bad for the teeth. The chips contain starch that becomes sugar that can become trapped in the teeth, feeding the bacteria. The acids linger for long as you consume the chips. These encourage the growth of plaque.



Alcohol consumption is bad for your teeth because it causes the mouth to dry out. Alcohol can lead to teeth and gum disease. Saliva is essential for a healthy mouth, and it helps clear away food debris. Alcohol such as red wine can also stain the teeth. 


Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks like soda do not do any good for your health. Carbonated drinks are bad for the teeth. This includes those that claim to be diet. Consuming the drinks in large quantities allows plaque to produce more acid, attacking the tooth enamel. They also dry out the mouth.


Citrus Fruits

Oranges, lemons, and grapefruits may be tasty, and they contain essential vitamin C, but they are bad for the teeth. Unfortunately, the fruits contain high acid content that can erode the tooth enamel. The fruits make the teeth increasingly vulnerable to decay. 



Popcorn may be a healthier alternative to most snacks, but it is bad for the teeth. Popcorn is hard on the teeth, and it is difficult to eat it without it getting stuck between the teeth. If you bite down on the unpopped kernels, they can crack the teeth. 



Pickled foods have vinegar that contains acid. The acid can cause teeth staining, as well as erosion of the tooth enamel. The foods also contain sugar that can lead to the formation of cavities.


Other foods and drinks to avoid include ice, sports drinks, coffee, tea, and refined carbs. 


To find out more about foods that are bad for your teeth, contact Today’s Family Dental at our office in Tampa or Lutz, Florida. You can call (813) 212-8700 today to schedule an appointment.

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