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Today's Family Dental Blog

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What to Expect with Professional Teeth Whitening?

While we are taught not to judge someone based on appearance, the overwhelming truth is that when it comes to teeth, the way that they look can have a significant impact on the way that we feel.

What are Veneers and How Do They Work?

Do you want to improve the appearance of your smile whilst also boosting the health of your teeth? One of the most effective ways of doing this is by using dental veneers.

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments and Trends

Many people are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth. Fortunately, it is now possible to change virtually any aspect of our smiles thanks to the continued evolution of cosmetic dentistry treatments.

Invisalign vs. ClearCorrect

Many people want to enjoy the cosmetic and functional benefits of straighter, better-aligned teeth. However, they don’t want to go through the discomfort, inconvenience and cosmetic compromises required when choosing conventional metal braces.

Am I a suitable candidate for crown or bridge treatment?

Before you can be approved for any dental procedure, including one to fit a crown or bridge, you must first attend a consultation appointment with our expert dentist, Dr. Alex Asfahi.

How Can Bone Graft Rejuvenate My Gums?

Bone grafting is a fairly straightforward procedure that is used in both medical and dental treatments. It is primarily used when a patient wishes to receive dental implants but is found to have an insufficient healthy bone in their jaw to support them.

Preventing Periodontal Disease

It’s likely that you have heard of periodontal disease even if you haven’t heard it called that. Periodontal disease is also called gum disease but can cause bad breath, bleeding gums, and oral infections.

How Are Inlay and Onlay Procedures Done

Dental inlays and onlays are commonly used to help restore and protect teeth that have been subjected to some damage, but not enough to require the use of a crown.

What Are The Benefits of Veneers

There can be a range of different things that we dislike about our smiles. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry treatments make it possible to address any of them, enabling up to achieve the smile that we have always dreamed of.

Dentures FAQs

Getting dentures can be a major life change for a lot of people. The transition to dentures can seem full of new information, and it is easy to get overloaded and bogged down in all the details about the process and upkeep.

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