Does Everyone Need to Get Their Wisdom Teeth Removed?

When your dentist insists that you extract your wisdom teeth, you may not understand why. This is especially true if they do not hurt. Nowadays, dental surgery to extract wisdom teeth is a common practice. Although it has almost become a rite of passage for most young people, it is not always necessary.


When Do Wisdom Teeth Emerge?

Wisdom teeth come in at different ages. But they typically emerge as you approach your late teens or early twenties. However, some get them later while others get them earlier.

Your dentist will tell you that it is much easier to remove your wisdom teeth when you are younger. You can do it as an adult, but your nerve roots are still developing and your bones are softer when you are younger.


Preventative Measure

While your wisdom teeth might not be a source of pain, it does not necessarily mean everything is okay. Your teeth could be impacted or stuck. In this situation, your teeth can erupt through the jaw into your mouth. It could be that the teeth are growing at an angle to other teeth, or your mouth is too small to fit them. Hence, they can damage the neighboring teeth if they push up against them.

For this reason, your dentist at Today’s Family Dental may recommend extracting healthy molars to avert future problems. As you grow, your jawbones become tougher, making it harder to remove them. Postponing removing these teeth could lead to complications after oral surgery. Some of them include:

  • Fractured teeth.

  • Heavy gum bleeding.

  • Severe numbness.

  • Temporary loss of jaw movement.

Depending on their severity, these issues could last for a few days or a lifetime.


Why Wisdom Teeth Extraction Is Necessary

When an X-ray shows your wisdom teeth might cause issues, they should come out right away. Some other reasons to extract these teeth include:

Jaw Damage - During teeth eruption, cysts can develop around them. They can damage the nerves after hollowing your jaw if left untreated.

Causing Damage to Other Teeth - The new set of molars may cause bite issues and mouth pain by pushing other teeth around.

Cavities - Inflamed gums may form pockets between your teeth, creating cavities and allowing bacteria growth.

Teeth Alignment - Impacted wisdom teeth may result in other teeth crowding. It makes straightening and alignment of teeth necessary.


When Not to Remove Wisdom Teeth

Your dentist may not have to remove the third molars in the back of your mouth for a few reasons. They include:

  • If they are healthy.

  • If they are well aligned and correctly positioned with their opposing teeth.

  • If they are fully erupted, meaning they are completely grown.

  • If you can clean them properly as part of your daily hygienic practices.


In Conclusion


Amazingly, some people do not develop wisdom teeth. If you are that lucky, you can avoid extracting these teeth. If you have them, you should schedule regular dental exams every six months, even if they do not hurt. This way, your dentist will know when it is the right time to remove them.

For more on wisdom teeth removal, visit Today’s Family Dental at our office in Tampa or Lutz, Florida. You can also call (813) 212-8700 to book an appointment today.

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